Surfing the “Turnover Tsunami”


In March, an article from the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) discussed the notion that there is a huge wave of potential turnover coming, once the perception that we are past the COVID crisis takes hold.  Various sources suggest that as many as half of all workers are currently looking for new opportunities.  Other sources indicate [...]

Surfing the “Turnover Tsunami”2021-08-17T20:14:20+00:00

Organizational Development and the “Diving Catch”


The “Diving Catch” is a common metaphor in business, a baseball reference to the stretch-out catch of the fly ball that stops the go-ahead run in the bottom of the 9th and saves the day for the home team.  In business, it describes that extraordinary effort on the part of an individual who, likely at the [...]

Organizational Development and the “Diving Catch”2021-08-17T20:10:53+00:00

Should We Promote Our Outstanding Individual Contributors?


Internal promotions are almost always considered to be positive characteristics of a healthy organization.  “Opportunities for advancement,” “potential for personal and professional growth,” are the catchphrases that articulate a company’s commitment to organic growth and leadership.  For those with such ambitions, companies that follow these ideals are potential employers of choice.  For companies looking to [...]

Should We Promote Our Outstanding Individual Contributors?2021-08-17T20:06:24+00:00

What Organizational Development Is Not


Recently, this blog published an article about the nature and definition of Organizational Development (OD).  Based on experience for the past two decades, it is clear that OD, like many processes and systems, is often misconstrued by even the best-intentioned leaders into something that it is not.  Taken on a grand scale, this has likely created some [...]

What Organizational Development Is Not2021-08-17T20:01:35+00:00

Communication and Responsiveness from an OD Lens


The first value that AJC holds is further defined as targeted information at the right time through the most appropriate channel to maximize the impact of our messages. There is a significant body of research on the effectiveness of internal communications in terms of staff engagement, productivity, and, ultimately, earnings. Although varied in scale [...]

Communication and Responsiveness from an OD Lens2021-08-17T01:46:39+00:00
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